About Us

CashBox is a digital savings platform that helps everyone “Make saving a habit”. CashBox was founded as a fun way to encourage a healthy saving habit and help curb excessive spending all on a seamless and easy-to-use interface.

Our Company

CASHBOX is a digital savings platform owned by CashBox Global Services Limited (RC1529133).

Our Mission

Our mission at CashBox is simple... To partner with our customers and help them take charge of their finances.

Our Core Values

Service Excellence

We are here to constantly put a smile on the faces of our customers. We always want to deliver 'WOW' financial services.


Our customers mean the most to us, we are here to make their financal decisions clear to them. What you save is what you get and we pay interest too. No hidden fees or charges. Absolutely free of charge.


Our character and trustworthiness are our prized possessions. We have high standards and ethics.

Research & Development

We strongly believe in technology and also in continuous learning. We are constantly researching and developing products every day so as to meet our customers' demands while delivering top-notch financial services.


Every department within the company is well structured and guided so as to continually make us ``Savers`` first choice.